
Dr. Wily creates the ultimate robot warrior.


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Created By: hyperganon

Game Info: The evil plans of Dr.Wily have been foiled many times by MegaMan, the blue bomber. With all of Wily’s robots destroyed, Wily resorts to his secret project… “Bass”. Bass is a prototype among many powerful warrior ‘bots that Wily has created. Unlike the others, Bass has incredible power.

As Wily ponders which ‘bot to continue on with, suddenly an alarm sounds deep in Skull Castle. A mysterious army of renegade robots had attacked his old domain, “Monsteropolis”. Wily seizes this opportunity to test Bass. And so begins Bass’s first adventure. Wily sends Bass to defeat the six robot emperors, PirateMan, GroundMan, ColdMan, MagicMan, BurnerMan and DynamoMan, and retake Monsteropolis.

The world of Monsteropolis has changed over the years, so be careful!



About Derek Hanson

Doctor by day, blogger by night, Derek Hanson is the founder of the Bloguin Network and has been a Patriots fan for more than 20 years.
