Metroid Master

Only expert Metroid players need apply.


Created By: Chris Allen

Game Info: My intent is to enhance the overall playability of the Metroid engine by providing an entirely new adventure. I have attempted to keep this version of Metroid true to the spirit of the original by making some tricky secrets and convoluted mazes.

Where my version departs from the original Metroid game is the following:

  • Much larger overall map; easier to get lost
  • Secrets are in some cases harder to figure out
  • Placement of enemies is much more devious, requiring you to plan how to get past them without getting the crap kicked out of you
  • Respawning occurs with not just Zebs; it also occurs with tougher enemies such as Rios
  • All non-missile items are CRITICAL to winning the game
  • Important items are locked away much more tightly than before


About Derek Hanson

Doctor by day, blogger by night, Derek Hanson is the founder of the Bloguin Network and has been a Patriots fan for more than 20 years.
