The Lost Season 1 Review

The survivors of Oceanic Flight 815 begin to discover the islands mysteries.

The Cast of Lost Season 1

A show starring Charlie from Party of Five and a hobbit – now that’s a promising scenario.  Of course, Evangeline Lily and Maggie Grace had their own certain draw, so we all sat down and watched what we believed to be the premiere of the 21st Century’s Gilligan’s Island.  Boy were we wrong.  The Skipper and his little buddy never had to deal with a dinosaur, polar bears, and an insane french woman.  And by the end of that first episode, it just so happened that Matthew Fox and Dominic Monaghan had the entire country on the edge of their seats waiting to see what would happen next!

Cast Of Characters

Lost Jack Shepard played by Matthew Fox

Matthew Fox (Jack Shepard)

The amazing thing about Jack is that he was originally scheduled to die in the first episode.  It was definitely a good plot point to change as I can't imagine what this show would be without Matthew Fox. Maybe Evangeline Lily would have ended up taking the lead, but that probably would not have cut it. Being a medical student, I'm all about Jack, since he boosts my stock by bringing the image of a heroic doctor into millions of living rooms each week. My only beef with the guy is that he can go a little psycho at times.  I'm all about never giving up, but Jack NEVER gives up, to the point where often times he causes more problems then if he had just quit.


Lost Evangeline Lily played by  Kate

Evangeline Lily (Kate Austen)

Evangeline Lily plays Kate, the strong female lead of the show, and the object of affection in the Jack/Sawyer love triangle she’s found herself in. I know a lot of people are hoping for the Jack/Kate hookup, but I’m personally throwing my hat into the ring with Sawyer.  Kate’s got issues up to whazoo.  Jack’s a smart guy, and a doctor, so he can find someone with much less baggage if he ever gets off the island. Or worst case, get with Shannon, played by Maggie Grace, who’s actually far hotter that Evangeline Lily.  I say Kate and the Redneck would have a great time driving each other crazy and Jack should just say out of it.

Lost Sawyer played by Josh Holloway

Josh Holloway (James Ford a.k.a. Sawyer)

You gotta love Sawyer.  There's not a bigger jerk on the island, nor is there anyone as fun to watch.  If there's trouble brewing, he's definitely a part of it.  I would honestly prefer it if they didn't make Sawyer out to be a softie at times.  For all his tough guy exterior, he does have feelings and he started showing them increasingly more often towards the end of Season One. And if his motive for turning soft was to lure Evangeline Lily, then it probably paid off.  I'm sure it's made him a big hit with the female viewing audience.  But I for one, would like to see the mold broken a little bit and have Sawyer be more of a no-good WWF bad guy where you absolutely love to hate him.


Lost played by John Locke Terry O'Quinn

Terry O'Quinn (John Locke)

Terry O'Quinn is the guy that makes the show.  Without Locke, the wheelchair bound man who can suddenly walk, Lost would have been Survivor, the drama.  It's his undying belief and search for meaning that makes this show truly special.  The hatch, the monster, the mythology are all embodied in Locke.


Lost Charlie played by Dominic Monaghan

Dominic Monaghan (Charlie Pace)

When ABC starting showing promo's for Lost, Dominic Monaghan was the poster boy.  At that point, all I could associate the guy with was Elijah Wood, and anyone that's explored this site knows exactly how that made me feel.  Dominic Monaghan plays a funny character who fails more often than he succeeds, but has a big heart.  And when you thought he was dead that time in the jungle, you have to admit, it got a little dusty in the room.  Of course, Charlie does tend to fly off his rocker every now and then.  Along with Jack, Michael, and Claire, he's part of the illogical quadfector, who sometimes annoy me with how ridiculously they react to stuff.


Lost Sayid played by Naveen Andrews

Naveen Andrews (Sayid Jarrah)

An ex-Iraqi soldier, Sayid had to overcome a lot of obstacles to win over his fellow castaways.  But using his technical expertise, he quickly became one of the most vital members of the group.  Sayid, always the clever one, managed to use his meeting with the Frenchwoman to get close with French-speaking Shannon.  It was an amazing move that got his foot in the door and netted him Maggie Grace, the hottest girl on the island.


Lost Hurley played by Jorge Garcia

Jorge Garcia (Hugo Reyes a.k.a. Hurley)

Nothing's quite as entertaining as watching a fat guy try to find food on a deserted island.  Amazingly enough, Hurley somehow managed to find enough, cause the guy was just as big at the end of Season One as he started out.  Let's just hope he stays that way and doesn't decide to snack on Evangeline Lily or Maggie Grace.


Lost Michael played by Harold Perrineau

Harold Perrineau (Michael Dawson)

I'm not a big fan of Michael.  The guy just doesn't know how to handle his son, caused problems with Locke, started hitting on Jin's wife, and just flips out and does dumb things on a regular basis.  I really wouldn't have minded if the explosion on the boat had done him in.  But from what I'm hearing, he's back for round two.


Lost Walt played by Malcom David Kelley

Malcolm David Kelley (Walt Lloyd)

It surprised me how many people missed the fact that Walt conjured up the polar bears on the island.  The kid's got powers.  Remember how he was reading about birds and wanted to get his mother's attention?  Suddenly the same bird in the book came crashing into the glass door.  Do you think it was a coincidence that Walt was reading a comic book with polar bears in it and was looking for Michael's attention when the bears came?


Lost Claire played by Emilie de Ravin

Emilie de Ravin (Claire Littleton)

Having a pregnant woman on the flight was just a brilliant move on the creator's part.  An even more brilliant move was having "the others" kidnap her, creating an awesome story that we're still waiting to see pan out.  And by the way, props to Dominic Monaghan's Charlie on having the foresight to scoop this lady up while everyone else was going after Kate and Shannon.


Lost Boone played by Ian Somerhalder

Ian Somerhalder (Boone Carlisle)

When they said they were going to kill off a main character, I knew it would be Boone. Well, Boone or Michael.  But probably Boone.  They weren't killing the women.  Jack, Locke, Sawyer, Charlie, and Hurley were safe.  Jin was too minor, and seeing as Michael had a son - it just had to be Boone.  Plus his storylines weren't really going anywhere.  I know you're all so impressed.


Lost Shannon played by Maggie Grace

Maggie Grace (Shannon Rutherford)

Flirting with your sibling. Is it strange? Absolutely.  Surprisingly, nobody made a peep about the Shannon/Boone tryst.  Maybe they aren't blood, but come on!  But I guess you can get away with those things when you look like Maggie Grace... Anybody else a little jealous of Sayid?


Lost Sun played by Yunjin Kim Lost Jin played by Daniel Dae Kim

Yunjin Kim (Sun-Hwa Kwon) and Daniel Dae Kim (Jin-Soon Kwon)

These two come as an item, only because I've got little to say about Jin that doesn't have to do with Sun.  Plus they're  the only husband and wife tandem on the island we know about.  Anyway, these two add a fantastic dynamic to the show.  First with their "we don't speak English" problems, and then with their marital problems one Jin finds out that Sun does speak English. It's too bad Jin probably bit it when the boat exploded.  Should have been Michael... And no, Kanye West, it's not because I don't care about black people.  He could be purple for all I care.  I just think he's annoying.


About Derek Hanson

Doctor by day, blogger by night, Derek Hanson is the founder of the Bloguin Network and has been a Patriots fan for more than 20 years.
